Golden State Teacher Grant (GSTG)


The Golden State Teacher Grant Program (GSTG) awards up to $20,颁发给参加认可的教学证书或预备课程的学生,以获得学生人事服务证书. The payment can be distributed throughout multiple academic years; however, students must complete their credential program within six years from the date the first payment is disbursed to student.


2023-2024 Important Update: 我们的办公室将在大学人口普查(9/18/23)后开始处理2023-24援助年度的申请。, and disbursement wil start arriving early November.   GSTG认证申请表将于8月底在我们的网站上提供.

What Are the Grant Requirements?


To be eligible for the Golden State Teacher Grant, a student must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • 目前,他正在加州参加一个由教师资格认证委员会(CTC)批准的专业准备课程。. For a list of eligible programs please visit the CTC websiteOpens in new window

  • 正在努力获得初级教学或学生个人服务证书

  • Commit to four years of service in California, within eight years after completing the credential program.

  • Service must be at a priority school.

  • Must maintain good academic standing

  • Submit a FAFSA or CA Dream Act application

Priority School

“优先学校”是指有超过55%的学生被归类为英语学习者的学校, eligible for a free or reduced-price meal, or current foster youth. The current list of priority schools is on CSACs websiteOpens in new window .

What happens if I do not fulfill the terms of the Grant?

服务协议(SA)概述了您在条款下的义务 the grant. As stated in the SA, your 8-year time frame to complete your 4-year service obligation will begin when any of the following occur:

  • No longer meet satisfactory academic progress (SAP)

  • Complete your professional preparation program

  • Withdraw from your professional preparation program

  • Fail to complete your program and obtain your credential within 3

    years after the first distribution of GSTG funds

在你的8年期限内,每一年你的服务义务没有履行, you will be required to repay 25% of your total awarded amount. For those years your obligation is met, no repayment will be necessary. So, if your obligation is met for:

  • 1 year = Repay 75% of the awarded amount

  • 2 years = Repay 50% of the awarded amount

  • 3 years = Repay 25% of the awarded amount

  • 4 years = No Repayment, obligation complete

Application Process

Applicants may qualify for up to twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) during enrollment, 但是,资格取决于每个学生的出勤费用和获得的其他经济援助.  在大学人口普查后确定的教学证书学生可以获得经济援助, this includes Credential Pell Grant, Middle Class Scholarship and the federal TEACH grant.  Due to these processing times, to get the most accurate GSTG eligibility, 这项补助金的处理在大学中心和其他补助金确定之后进行. 

  • 在申请GSTG的学年,提交一份免费的联邦学生援助申请(FAFSA)或加州梦想法案申请(CADAA).

  • Create an account and submit a GSTG online applicationOpens in new window . For 2023-2024 aid year, the Deadline is April 1 2024. 如果你在前一年已经获得了GSTG奖,但没有收到全额20美元,000, do not submit a new application, CSAC将审核您的申请,并提供WebGrants的认证页面供我们办公室审核.  

  • 审查并完成我们的GSTG认证申请表,并提交给财政援助办公室- 2023-24截止日期:5月17日, 2024.  您必须在入学的每个学年提交表格,以便处理GSTG付款.  Forms submitted prior to semester starting will be processed after University Census; forms submitted after University Census are processed in about 2-3 weeks.  

  • Sign Service Agreement (SA) within 30 days. 在财政援助办公室处理GSTG认证申请表并在线认证金额后, 您将收到一封来自CSAC的电子邮件,要求您通过GSTG门户在线签署SA.

  • 在SA签署后,CSAC将在6 - 8周内将付款发送到财务援助办公室.

  • GSTG Funds are coordinated with your existing Financial Aid Awards. 如果在证明申请表中提出要求,贷款将被减少或取消. If you are signed up for Direct Deposit, GSTG的资金会在一周内存入你的银行账户.

Determining Eligibility

GSTG的金额是根据你估计的出勤成本(COA)来确定的。, minus other Financial Aid awarded. 


  • Formula: COA – Financial Aid  = GSTG Eligibility  
    • The COA (i.e., budget) includes tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, transportation, and miscellaneous expenses for one academic year. 如果你报名参加暑期班,一个单独的出勤成本是建立在夏季成本的基础上的. 
    • The Financial Aid awarded include grants, scholarships, and loans.  However, 你可以选择要求减少或取消你可能已经接受或收到的学生贷款.  This means that GSTG funds will replace the loans, 基本上是偿还学年或学期的部分或全部贷款. 
  • GSTG approval will also impact the amount you may have been awarded in Middle-Class Scholarship (MCS); in most cases, 这将导致取消,因为GSTG通常比MCS高.
  • 如果你申请了联邦教学资助,你的GSTG申请的处理可能会延迟.  在我们认证GSTG申请之前,必须先确定教师奖助金资格, TEACH奖助金的金额将决定您是否有资格获得GSTG. 
  • 奖学金可以用于整个学年,包括夏季(如果注册),也可以仅用于一个学期.  Typically, when a student requests GSTG funds for the full year (including summer), the $20,000 award will split at 1/3 for each term ($6,667), 然而,每个学生的情况可能因他们的COA而有所不同, and other Financial Aid available.  Additionally, students are allowed to request less than $20,000 if they want to reserve funding for another year, however eligibility is not guaranteed, as it is subject to the remaining eligibility for the new aid year, meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress, and availability of state funds. 


Summer Eligibility Information

  • 整个学年(包括暑期班)均可获得资助。.  如果您计划/或需要在夏季注册,请在GSTG认证表上勾选夏季学期, this will create a separate GSTG disbursement for summer.  
  • Typically, when a student requests GSTG funds for the full year (including summer), the $20,000 award will be split at 1/3 for each term ($6,667), however, each stuent's situation may be different depending on their COA, and other Financial Aid available.  
  • If you do not indicate a summer term, but you receive the full $20,000 GSTG funds during the Fall and Spring semesters, you may save a portion of those funds to pay for Summer.  




Scenario #1: The maximum GSTG amount that can be awarded is $18,613. 

Academic Year (Off-Campus)

 Cost of Attendance (COA):

$ 31,273.00





$ 12,660.00

Student Loan

$ 0


Golden State Teacher Grant eligibility

$ 18,613.00


Scenario #2: The maximum GSTG amount that can be awarded is $20,000, since there is no other Financial Aid accepted. 

Academic Year (Commuter)

 Cost of Attendance (COA):

$ 21,972.00





$ 0

Student Loan

$ 0


Golden State Teacher Grant eligibility

$ 20,000.00


Scenario #3: The maximum GSTG amount that can be awarded is $3,976, or student can request loan cancelation, and then our office can award $8,976 in GSTG funds. 

 One Semester (Off-Campus)

 Cost of Attendance (COA):

$ 15,636.00





$ 6,660.00

Student Loan 

$ 5,000.00


Golden State Teacher Grant eligibility

$ 3,976.00

Have more questions?

有关服务协议及网上WebGrants申请的资料, 联系加州学生援助委员会(CSAC)金州教师资助计划: in new window
Golden State Teacher Grant WebsiteOpens in new window

For information on the process of your application at CSUF:

Contact the Office of Financial Aid

Phone: 657-278-3125
